About the project
EMEC signed a letter of intent with the owner of a large property in the municipality of Gronsveld just before the turn of the year. Just on the border of Gronsveld and Maastricht, the premises of Gadea BV are located in the industrial area. The company would like to participate in a socially sustainable project and is making its roof available for this purpose. Given its location, it makes sense to move the location of the solar power plant on paper one zip code ‘up’ so that more Maastricht residents fall within the zip code box and we can finally realize a first power plant for its residents.
We will put the brochure together as soon as possible and look for participants. It will again be a plant connected to a small consumption connection because this is the only chance to get a connection from ENEXIS. That means that we will stay about 186 panels (425 Wp) with an annual production of 71,100 kWh, making it comparable in capacity to the plants in Meerssen and Bunde. We need at least 16 participants, but more is also possible.
As of soon you can register as interested via our site. If you can’t register these days, please send an e-mail to info@emec.nu.
Key figure for the participants
Number of panels: 186
Investment per Tile: €50,-
Minimum investment: €250 (5 Tiles)
Maximum investment: €3500 (70 Tiles).
Expected return: 4 – 4,5%.
De brochure will be added here in the near future.
How does it work financially?
EMEC will apply for the SCE (Subsidie Coöperatieve Energieopwekking) as soon as it reopens to RVO (the Netherlands Enterprise Agency).
If EMEC is promised the subsidy, the project will officially start. Before then, however, we will start looking for members because we assume that the grant will be promised. We need a minimum of 16 members within the zip code box (see figure zip codes) to comply with the SCE scheme. Each participant can decide with how many Tegelkes of €50 to participate, but there is a minimum of €250 and a maximum of €3500. Only when we have enough participants and are sure that this will complete the financing will we commission an installer to build the installation. The members/participants thus take care of the financing of the installation with their participation/contributions. EMEC, as a cooperative, is the owner of the installation.
EMEC pays out an amount each year, from the subsidy obtained and the sale of the power, to the participants of the solar plant in proportion to the investment. We can thus achieve for the members a return, over 15 years, of at least 4 – 4.5%. This is not a guarantee but a reasonable assumption given the experience with our previous projects and the experience of other cooperatives in the Netherlands with similar projects.
As soon as the SCE scheme opens at RFO (1-2-2024), we will submit the application. After that, it will take up to 13 weeks, early May, before a response can be expected. In the meantime, a tender will be issued for which installers can bid. ENEXIS will not be engaged until the SCE is finally committed. This applies to all actions that cost money. If the processes proceed normally then an installation can be realized after the summer. Moment of payment by the participants is when all signals are green and the installation is actually under construction.
Participate without your own money
In this project we also let people who are not financially strong enough to invest themselves participate in the solar power plant so that the energy transition is something for all of us and not just for people who can invest themselves. This is explained in the brochure.