About the project
EMEC has completed its third solar power plant project. After the completion of the solar power plants in Meerssen and Geulle, the solar power plant at Marnis in Bunde is now operational. Plant grower Pascal Jongen approached EMEC and indicated that his large roof was available for a cooperative project. We seized the opportunity with both hands, and now, since the end of November 2021, the installation is running and supplying electricity to the grid.
We will fill the large roof with solar panels in two separate projects. The first part is now complete and is operating with 200 panels, and the second will follow in 2022 with another 200 panels. See also the project Zonnecentrale Marnis Bunde II on this website.
Key figures for participants
Number of panels: 200 (2021)
Contribution per tile: € 50,-
Minimum contribution: € 250.- (5 tiles)
Expected return: 4 – 4.5%
Registration closed.
How does it work financially?
EMEC has received the necessary SCE (Subsidy Cooperative Energy Generation) from RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) in June 2021, and immediately thereafter, we started building the installation.
EMEC receives the subsidy and pays it out to the participants of the solar power plant in proportion to their investment. We can achieve a return of 4-4.5% for the members with this. The people who have registered for this solar power plant have become members of our cooperative and are therefore participating in the realization of regional, rooftop solar energy and sustainable green energy.
Participate without your own money
In this project, we also have people who are not financially strong enough to invest themselves but can still participate in the solar power plant. This makes the energy transition something for all of us, not just for those who can invest themselves. More information on this will be provided later in the brochure.