Postcode Roos scheme
The Geulle solar power plant was realized using the old postcode roos scheme, also known as the reduced energy tax rate.

Who can participate in a Postcode Roos project
Postcode Roos
The Geulle solar power plant was realized using the old postcode roos scheme, which was a complicated tax scheme that made it possible to invest, through an energy cooperative, in solar panels on someone else’s roof. The scheme was in effect until April 1, 2021, and has been replaced by a subsidy scheme for Cooperative Energy Generation.
Who can participate in a Postcode Roos project?
Anyone who values green energy, lives in Meerssen, and preferably wants to generate electricity locally can participate.
Why participate in Postcode Roos?
Do you not have a suitable roof for solar panels at home? Do you live in a historic building? Do you simply not want the hassle of installation and maintenance? Do you want to invest in additional solar power, in addition to the panels already on your roof?
Registration is limited to postal code areas to encourage local energy generation. The eligible postal codes are 6199, 6222, 6223, 6231, 6235, 6237, 6241, and 6243.